[BioSQL-l] Adding qualifers to features on a stored sequence
Tim Henderson
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:24:40 -0700
> I'll check your log and see whether I can fix this. In the meantime,
> what should work is
> $cds->remove();
> $cds->add_tag_value('foo', 'This is an added qualifier');
> $cds->create();
That worked. Thanks.
I did notice, though, that the $cds->remove() left some traces of the
old feature in the database. For reference, I'm using a test database
with one sequence in it, loaded via load_seqdatabase.pl from the GenBank
record for accession X02910. The primary key of the original CDS
feature was 6; after doing the above update the primary key of the new
CDS feature was 24. Browsing through my database, I see...
mysql> select * from seqfeature where seqfeature_id = 6;
Empty set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from seqfeature_location where seqfeature_id = 6;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from seqfeature_relationship where parent_seqfeature_id
= 6 or child_seqfeature_id = 6;
Empty set (0.02 sec)
mysql> select seqfeature_id, term_name, qualifier_value from
seqfeature_qualifier_value t1, ontology_term t2 where t1.seqfeature_id =
6 and t1.ontology_term_id = t2.ontology_term_id;
| seqfeature_id | term_name | qualifier_value
| 6 | db_xref | GI:37210
| 6 | db_xref | SWISS-PROT:P01375
| 6 | codon_start | 1
| 6 | protein_id | CAA26669.1
| 6 | product | TNF-alpha
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select seqfeature_id, term_name, qualifier_value from
seqfeature_qualifier_value t1, ontology_term t2 where t1.seqfeature_id =
24 and t1.ontology_term_id = t2.ontology_term_id;
| seqfeature_id | term_name | qualifier_value
| 24 | db_xref | GI:37210
| 24 | db_xref | SWISS-PROT:P01375
| 24 | codon_start | 1
| 24 | protein_id | CAA26669.1
| 24 | product | TNF-alpha
| 24 | translation | MSTESMIRDVELAEEALPKKTGGP...
| 24 | foo | This is an added qualifier
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
These orphaned entries don't seem to be causing any problems, but I
thought I'd point them out.
-- Tim