[BioRuby] Bio-Incanter

Ben Woodcroft donttrustben at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 00:20:38 UTC 2012

Hi guys, sounds cool on the face of it to me, thanks. Congrats to Matteo.

Annoyingly http://data-sorcery.org is being difficult to access for me. Any
chance you could add a simple example(s) to the README or wiki?

On 7 August 2012 23:23, Francesco Strozzi <francesco.strozzi at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> after having played for a while with Clojure and Incanter
> (http://www.incanter.org/), we thought it was nice to have a Ruby gem
> to access such a great library, so I would like to point out a new
> BioGem called Bio-Incanter https://github.com/cerbero/bioruby-incanter
> .
> This gem was started by Matteo Picciolini, a bioinformatician working
> in my group here in Italy. He's at the first contribution in the
> BioRuby world, so be nice!
> The gem it's a JRuby wrapper around the Incanter library to provide
> nice and powerful functions to create plots and graphs for numerical
> and statistical analyses.
> Look at the specs to see what methods are available, but basically all
> the common plotting functions are covered, including image export in
> PNG, JPG or PDF format. There is also a "view" method that can let you
> open the graphs in real time and see what you are plotting, a nice
> function for scripts or IRB sessions.
> Even if you don't know Clojure that's not a problem, the gem takes
> care of everything and includes a ready to use Jar with both Clojure
> and Incanter.
> I think this kind of gems show how JRuby can facilitate the life of a
> bioinformatician, using existing solutions that just work and
> providing the best out of (Bio)Ruby and the JVM.
> --
> Francesco
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Ben Woodcroft
http://ecogenomic.org/users/ben-woodcroft <http://www.ecogenomic.org/>

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