[BioRuby] [Open-bio Board] Buildbot on testing.open-bio.org

Pjotr Prins pjotr.public14 at thebird.nl
Thu Nov 3 10:29:28 EDT 2011

On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 02:19:49PM +0000, Peter Cock wrote:
> under both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 (assuming of course that
> is possible - can they co-exist?).

That is no problem. Debian derived distros have it by default. You
can also use rvm in user space.

> Ah - that sounds better. So we can tell it to install to:
> or whatever. The point is that the buildbot creates a clean empty
> folder for each test. You start from a a clean git checkout, and
> put the downloaded and installed gems under this directory.


> I was thinking we can get the first two targets up and running
> quite quickly:
> * bio (the BioRuby gem) on ruby1.8
> * bio (the BioRuby gem) on ruby1.9
> And then work on the full set:
> * bio, and all plugins contained in bio-core, bio-core-ext on ruby1.9
> with additional targets for ruby2.0 or whatever is next.
> But ultimately you guys get to decide of course.

Sounds good to me. With the two targets configures, I am sure we can
add the rest ourselves.

I would also like to show the test results on http://biogems.info/


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