[BioRuby] [Open-bio Board] Buildbot on testing.open-bio.org

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 2 17:01:40 EDT 2011

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Naohisa GOTO
<ngoto at gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Hi Tiago and Peter,
> Thank you very much for setting up the buildbot server.

No problem - Tiago has done almost all the work so far,
so I'll join you in thanking Tiago (and Chris Dag. from the
OBF on the server side).

>> > 3. ruby setup.rb test is FAILING in two tests, but the script ends
>> > with exit code 0, thus not reporting an error. Would it be possible to
>> > end setup.rb test with a exit code noticing the error? Mode details
>> > here:
>> > http://testing.open-bio.org:8102/builders/Linux%2064%20-%20Ruby%201.8/builds/0/steps/compile/logs/stdio
> It seems this is a bug of setup.rb. However, the devlopment of
> setup.rb is now being stopped, and the bug would not be fixed.
> So, "ruby setup.rb test" to run test is going to be obsoleted.
> Please use alternative test running procedure.
>  % ruby test/runner.rb
> or
>  % testrb test/
> or
>  % rake test

Tiago seems to have done that :)

I have another suggestion, which is that the test suite print
a tiny environment summary at the start (e.g. Ruby version
and operating system information).

We do this for Biopython and it has been useful sometimes
(e.g. comparing test failures from slightly different platforms),
but also helpful from end user error reports (when they copy
and paste the test suite output for us).

Have you decided which versions of Ruby should be tested?
For example, do you just need two targets, 1.8.x and 1.9.x?


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