[BioRuby] BioSQL development

Rob Syme rob.syme at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 06:22:18 UTC 2010

Is there a particular person who has taken charge of the BioSQL part of
I just want confirmation that I'm not using it in completely the wrong way.

Are the classes designed so that you generate models for an app (a rails
app, for example) that inherit from the Bio::SQL::whatever? eg:

$ rails g model Biodatabase name:string authority:string description:text

and then in app/model/biodatabase.rb you change:
class Biodatabase < ActiveRecord::Base

class Biodatabase < Bio::SQL::Biodatabase # which inherits

If I get a handle on this, I'd be happy to write it up for

Thanks for all the work by the dev team. Much appreciated - I use bioruby
almost every day.

Rob Syme

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