[BioRuby] Bio::NCBI:REST:EFetch

Ben Woodcroft donttrustben at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 00:12:50 UTC 2009


I was just googling how to download a genbank sequence using bioruby, and
somehow got pointed to this example code:

      # == Usage
      # Bio::NCBI::REST::EFetch.sequence("123,U12345,U12345.1,gb|U12345|")

But this doesn't seem to work in irb:

$ gem list bio

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

bio (1.3.0)
$ irb -rubygems
irb(main):001:0> require 'bio'
=> true
NameError: uninitialized constant Bio::NCBI::REST::EFetch
    from (irb):2

Then I noticed by looking at the code I could just do

Bio::NCBI::REST::efetch("EF489424", {:rettype => 'fasta', :db =>

So it seems there is some redundancy. What is going on? Should there be a
pointer to Bio::NCBI::REST::efetch from Bio::NCBI::REST::EFetch in the rdoc?
That would have made me understand a lot quicker, and I wouldn't have had to
look at the code to figure it out.

FYI: My email addresses at unimelb, uq and gmail all redirect to the same

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