[BioRuby] bioruby-testing-central on github

Pjotr Prins pjotr2008 at thebird.nl
Sat Jun 14 14:07:56 UTC 2008

I have kicked off including support for microarrays in Bioruby with an
Affymetrix CEL file reader (which is based on Ben Bolstad's Affyio,
part of R/Bioconductor). The mapping is done in biolib
(http://biolib.open-bio.org/). Bioruby sources are on:


Simple file loading works. E.g.

				ARGV.each do | fn |
					array = Bio::Microarray::Affy.new('GSM11002.CEL.gz')
					(0..20).each do | i |
						print array.intensity(i),", "

Next step is probe(set) mapping and support for regular tab delimited files and
CSV's (bit like read.table in R).

If anyone is interested in participating...


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