[Biopython] PDBIO.save(fh) in BioPython 1.80 always closes the file handle

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Wed Dec 7 07:33:31 EST 2022


We are testing upgrading from BioPython 1.79 to 1.80, and have hit a
change in PDBIO.save(fh).

Our code is converting from MMCIF format to PDB via a StringIO object,
like this:

            # Load structure from mmcif file
            parser = MMCIFParser()
            structure = parser.get_structure(ac, cif)
            # Generate PDB object into StringIO object
            io = PDBIO()
            tmp = StringIO()
            # Get content
            content = tmp.read().encode('utf-8')

Due to the this commit:

    commit be77131200821bb01254c87fb14ee1bf6c81dd4b
    Author: João Rodrigues <j.p.g.l.m.rodrigues at gmail.com>
    Date:   Thu Aug 5 01:53:42 2021

        Improvements to PDBIO (#3679)

        - Make error messages clearer by specifying the offending atom(s).
        - Slight refactoring to access class attributes directly instead of using get_xxx() methods.

where PDBIO.save() instead of "tasting" the argument and deciding
whether to close the file handle or not, it is instead doing "with
fhandle:", so the filehandle you pass in is always closed before

For a StringIO file handle that is not great, because, as the
io.StringIO documentation says:

  "The text buffer is discarded when the close() method is called."
   · https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html#io.StringIO

Is this side effect intended, and is there a workaround?

We could of course write the PDB-file to disk and read it from there
again, but that seems kind of ugly compared to keeping it all in
StringIO memory.

  Best regards,


 "I pragmatically turn my whims into principles!"           Adam Sjøgren
                                                       asjo at koldfront.dk

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