[Biopython] Atom inheritance from Entity

Spencer Bliven spencer.bliven at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 16:08:38 UTC 2019

Entity also provides methods for managing ids, transforming atoms, etc. My preference would be for everything to inherit from Entity and just have 0 children. This is also consistent with Structure, which is an Entity with 'None' parent.


On 4 September 2019 at 08:02:19, João Rodrigues (j.p.g.l.m.rodrigues at gmail.com) wrote:

Hi Spencer,

Something that bugged me in the past as well. It would be nicer to have everyone inherit from a single point, but since Atoms don't have children, it would be confusing to have these methods there. My understanding is that Entity only exists to provide methods to handle iteration over children objects. It's a compromise?

Thanks for the efforts in typing the module!


Spencer Bliven <spencer.bliven at gmail.com> escreveu no dia terça, 3/09/2019 à(s) 22:53:
I was wondering why Atom doesn't inherit from Entity. It doesn't have children, but it seems like it would be more consistent to have the whole Structure stack inherit from a single point. Is anyone aware of the history there?

I ask because I'm trying to add type annotations to Bio.PDB, and mypy flagged a number of places where my initial 'Entity' type conflicted with Atoms. We can certainly get around this by accepting either Entity or Atom, but I'm not sure that was intended.


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