[Biopython] Getting a list of residue numbers

Ahmad Abdelzaher underoath006 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 15 23:27:12 UTC 2017


I know I can get residue names like this:

name = '1gdw.pdb'
structure=p.get_structure(name, name)
residue_name = []
for model in structure:
    for chain in model:
        for i in *residue_number*:

However, I don't know of a way to get a list of *residue_number,* so I use
Pymol to do it!

import __main__
__main__.pymol_argv = ['pymol','-qc']
import pymol
from pymol import cmd, stored
stored.residues = []
cmd.iterate('name ca', 'stored.residues.append(resi)')
residue_number = [ int(x) for x in stored.residues ]

What is the biopython way of getting the residue numbers?
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