[Biopython] CAI confusion

Björn Johansson bjorn_johansson at bio.uminho.pt
Sun Feb 16 19:23:45 UTC 2014


I am trying to use the Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsage module to calculate CAI for
S. cerevisiae genes.
Biopython comes with the SharpEcoliIndex from
Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsageIndices, but none for S. cerevisiae.

I found one here:
and here:

I parsed the first table which have the following format, unfortunately w/o

Gly	GGG	17673	6.05	0.12
Gly	GGA	32723	11.20	0.23
Gly	GGT	66198	22.66	0.46
Gly	GGC	28522	9.76	0.20
Glu	GAG	57046	19.52	0.30

ĩ believe the last column is the fraction. I think biopython expects
instead relative adaptedness w as indata for each codon.


How do I calculate w from the frequency? Are there any examples or
code avaliable? I googled, but could not find anything.

grateful for help!


Björn Johansson
Assistant Professor
Departament of Biology
University of Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
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