[Biopython] Versions of Python 3 to support in Biopython?

c0d3g33k c0d3g33k at gmail.com
Fri May 31 16:31:05 UTC 2013

Hi Martin,

On 5/30/2013 2:39 PM, Martin Mokrejs wrote:
>    In general, I am very opposed to deprecations of any programming language
> API. This just puts a wasteful burden on developers to rewrite their possibly
> years working apps just due to API change. Some people even don't want to touch
> certains parts of their code. Or they don't have time to do that or stopped
> changing their fully working application ... hence why should they re-start
> their work if for several years they did NOT need to touch the code? In such
> cases when developer does not take an action the API change kills the existing
> and working application because people just don't use it anymore on incompatible
> systems.

I fully understand the sentiment - change for the sake of change is 
unwelcome.  Bear in mind, though, that this is a discussion about 
versions of Python to support in *future* releases of Biopython.  A 
developer as conservatively paranoid as you describe isn't going to be 
tracking the bleeding edge of Biopython unless he really enjoys being 

These days, if stability is a high priority and you aren't using 
virtualenv (http://www.virtualenv.org), "You're Doing It Wrong".  Set up 
a stable virtual environment for that application that's been working 
for years and tested within an inch of it's life and have done with it.

Let the Biopython developers move carefully forward without having to 
drag the chains of sins past along with them forever like Jacob Marley 
in A Christmas Carol.

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