[Biopython] Biopython local blastn query

Ara Kooser ghashsnaga at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 01:45:55 UTC 2013

Hello all,

   I goofed up on curating accession numbers for part of my PhD project.
But I have the sequences in a big fasta file! I wrote a quick script that
read in one sequence at a time from the file, blasted it and then filtered
it based on 0 gaps and 100% id match. I did this for just the first 6
sequences as to not anger the NCBI. This worked great! But it's slow
(really slow) and I can't submit the whole file.

 I installed a local blast db and wrote this script.(attached as
meta_data_local.py and the query file, clear_genus_level.fasta ):

#I want to read in one sequence at a time from a fasta file and blast it
against a local
#blast db.

from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastnCommandline
from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

nt = "/Users/arakooser/blast/db/nt.00"
#Where the database is located at
file_out = open("metadata_genus.level.csv","w+")

#Contains all the data my boss wants on the sequences
file_in = open("clear_genus_level.fasta")

#The main fasta file that needs to be blasted

fas_rec = SeqIO.parse(file_in,"fasta")
#Parses the main fasta file

for first_seq in fas_rec:
#Hopefully grabs the first sequence
#Takes that sequence from standard in and sumbits it to the blast
commandline and spits
#out an xml
    result = NcbiblastnCommandline(query="-", db=nt, evalue=0.001, outfmt=5,
    stdout, stderr = result(stdin=first_seq.format("fasta"))

#Reading in the xml file.

    record = open("temp.xml")
    blast_record = NCBIXML.read(record)

    for alignment in blast_record.alignments:
#Something goes wrong here. This part should only allow one seqeuence per
query to come
#through but they all do.
#When I run this same setup without the local database it works fine???

        for hsp in alignment.hsps:

            percent_id = (100*hsp.identities)/hsp.align_length
            if hsp.gaps == 0 and percent_id == 100:
                title_element = alignment.title.split()

                print  title_element[1]+" "+title_element[2]+","+"
                  +","+" "+str(alignment.length)+","\
                    +" "+str(hsp.gaps)+","+" "+str(hsp.identities) +"

                file_out.write(title_element[1]+" "+title_element[2]+","+"
                               " "+hsp.sbjct+"\n")

It works, kind of.

*What I thought I did:*
Grab a single sequence from the fasta file
Grab the xml and then filter based on gaps and percent id
Write stuff to file

*What is happening (I think):*
Grab a single sequence from the fasta file
Grab the xml
Write stuff to file

Is there a difference in the xml files from NCBI vs a local blast install
in terms of how biopython sees them?

Can anyone give me some pointers for how to solve this (did I goof up the
loop or how it iterates over the sequences)?

Is this the best way to go about solving this problem (local vs NCBI web)?

Thank you!

Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga. Ubi sum. Sub ortu solis an
sub cardine glacialis ursae.

Geoscience website: http://www.tattooedscience.org/
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