[Biopython] NcbiblastnCommandline vs subprocess blast
Tanya Golubchik
golubchi at stats.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 21 08:41:48 UTC 2013
The following refers to Biopython 1.61. Does anyone know if there are
any hidden or hard-coded defaults for any parameters in
NcbiblastnCommandline? Or any known bugs that could cause hits not to be
I've encountered an extremely frustrating issue that I've never seen
before. The upshot is that the blastn result obtained through
NcbiblastnCommandline occasionally reports "no hits" in a way that seems
dependent on the query file. This strange output is different from that
obtained via a subprocess call (or outside python entirely) -- both of
which recover all hits consistently. I am using *exactly* the same
parameters, inputs, and exactly the same path to the blastn executable.
What actually happens is that for my large fasta file of 3000-odd
nucleotide queries, several give no hits with the NcbiblastnCommandline
call (these are not at the end of the query file, just throughout the
file). On the other hand, cutting the file down to about 2000 queries,
but not changing it in any other way, does give hits for these missing
queries. Note that *nothing* else is changed; the parameters and call to
blastn remain identical. This only happens for some, not all, of the
blast databases I'm searching, making it look like there are variable
deletions between the samples.
I can provide (large) test data files if anyone thinks they can help. I
have the query file that produces the wrong 'patchy' output, another
that produces the correct output, and a sample blast database for which
this happens.
The actual calls are (paths substituted):
NcbiblastnCommandline(cmd='/path/to/blastn', outfmt=5,
query='untrimmed.fasta', db='/path/to/db/C00006635', gapopen=5,
gapextend=2, culling_limit=2)
The above gives 'no hits' for about 25 queries out of the 3000+ in the file.
stdout, stderr = sp.Popen("/path/to/blastn -db /path/to/db/C00006635
-query untrimmed.fasta -outfmt 5 -word_size 17 -gapopen 5 -gapextend 2
-culling_limit 2".split(), stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE).communicate()
The above call to subprocess returns all hits, correctly.
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