[Biopython] (no subject)

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 30 11:14:37 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Kristian Ullrich
<kristian_ullrich at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hello Biopython Team,
> I am going to work with biological networks, next to the great tool cytoscape
> I want to create networks out of python. To my knowledge there exists
> pygraphviz and networkx which can produce gml and dot output files.
> Cytoscape uses the XGMML Language
> (http://www.cs.rpi.edu/research/groups/pb/punin/public_html/XGMML/).
> Is there an easy way of how to use or manipulate existing python xml
> parsers to work with xgmml files or are there plans of the Biopython
> Team to write an XGMML - parser?
> Since a lot of biologist work with cytoscape this would be a very useful
> tool to build graphical netowrks.
> Thank you in anticipation
> Kristian Ullrich


XGMML looks much more general than 'just' biology, so I
wonder if XGMML support in NetworkX would a better idea?
I couldn't find an open issue on this on their tracker, but
certainly they sounded positive about this back in 2009,


P.S. There are several Python libraries for using dot
files and GraphViz (which is an excellent library), I
don't recall why but last time I needed to do this I used
pydot - http://code.google.com/p/pydot/

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