[Biopython] Feature request: conservation line for fasta-m10 format

Aurelien Mazurie ajmazurie at oenone.net
Thu Apr 21 21:47:33 UTC 2011

	I used to write my own parser for FASTA alignment outputs, until I realized Biopython had a dedicated module, Bio.AlignIO.FastaIO. However I can't figure out how to get the conservation line out of the FASTA results. Looking at the most recent version of FastaIO.py file (https://github.com/biopython/biopython/blob/master/Bio/AlignIO/FastaIO.py) I see that the 'al_cons' tag is read (lignes 180 to 204) but the only variable in which it is stored, align_consensus, appear not to be used anywhere else in the program (assignments lines 198 or 202, then nothing else is done with it).

	It is easy to reconstruct this conservation string for nucleotide sequences, not so for protein sequences. Would it be possible for the authors to expose the align_consensus variable in some way? E.g., as a property of both the query and match.


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