[Biopython] BLAST problems

Kathe Munk Kathe.Munk at agrsci.dk
Fri Apr 15 12:31:43 UTC 2011

Dear all

I am wondering if any of you know what is going on here. I have made the following script:

from Bio.Blast import NCBIWWW
from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML

result_handle = NCBIWWW.qblast("blastn", "nr", 58585087, hitlist_size=2)
blast_record = NCBIXML.read(result_handle)

The print statement prints the following:
gi|58585087|ref|NM_001011569.1| Apis mellifera complementary sex determiner (Csd), mRNA >gi|46276949|gb|AY569721.1| Apis mellifera complementary sex determiner (csd) mRNA, csd-S7-16 allele, complete cds

As you can see I use blastn to retrieve sequences similar to my query. The problem is that when I substract the title I get the names of two sequences. I would only expect one. Furthermore I have tested the script with other query sequences where only a single sequence appears in the title. Do I have an error in my script?

Thank you very much in advance:)

Kind Regards


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