[Biopython] [OT] Job opportunity: Training coordinator and Bioinformatics Project Manager

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at drycafe.net
Tue Mar 16 20:03:50 UTC 2010

Hi all -

first off, sorry for the cross-posting, we're trying to advertise this  
as widely as possible. Second, apologies if this is committing an  
offense and considered spam. I thought though that there might be some  
people around here who may be interested and suitable.


: Hilmar Lapp  -:- Durham, NC -:- informatics.nescent.org :

A unique position is available for a training coordinator and  
bioinformatics project manager at the U.S. National Evolutionary  
Synthesis Center in Durham, North Carolina (NESCent, http:// 
nescent.org).  NESCent is a National Science Foundation funded  
research center managed by Duke University, the University of North  
Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University on behalf  
of the international evolutionary biology community.  NESCent  
facilitates synthetic research by bringing together diverse expertise,  
data, tools and concepts (Sidlauskas et al. 2009).  In addition to a  
resident population of 20-30 scientists, the Center hosts over 800  
visitors a year.  An informatics staff is on-site to support resident  
and visiting scientists’ needs in high-performance computing,  
electronic collaboration, scientific software and databases; this  
includes custom software development for a limited number of high- 
impact projects.  NESCent’s informatics training program includes a  
rotating series of open-application summer courses, ad-hoc short  
courses for resident scientists, and remote internships (including  
past participation in the Google Summer of Code).

The training coordinator and bioinformatics project manager will  
provide oversight to the Center’s training activities. The incumbent  
will also serve as the interface between scientists and software  
developers at NESCent. The position provides extensive opportunities  
for collaboration and intellectual engagement with both NESCent- 
sponsored scientists and informatics staff; however, this is not an  
independent research position. The incumbent will report to the  
Director, while overseeing the work of a small informatics team and  
coordinating activities among the Center’s science, education and  
informatics programs.


	• 50% - Consult with sponsored scientists (including scientists in  
residence and working group participants) about informatics resources  
and needs. Manage software product development by gathering  
requirements from scientists, participating in conceptual design,  
monitoring implementation progress and product quality, facilitating  
communication between software developers and scientists, and       
researching software solutions.

	• 25% - Oversee NESCent’s course curriculum by identifying  
opportunities for onsite or online informatics courses that satisfy  
demand for advanced training of resident and visiting scientists,  
recruiting instructors, providing guidance to instructors in  
developing course syllabi, coordinating logistical and technical  
support requirements, conducting assessments, and serving as a liaison  
to course organizers at other institutions.

	• 25% - Assisting in the management of NESCent’s summer informatics  
intern program, by coordinating the recruitment, application & review  
process for students, communicating expectations to students and  
mentors, monitoring student progress, documenting student outcomes,  
and performing assessments.


Required: M.S. in Biology, Bioinformatics, or a related field.
Preferred: Ph.D. and two years postdoctoral experience in evolutionary  
biology, or an equivalent combination of relevant education and/or  


Required: Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational  
skills.  Experience with computationally oriented scientific research.
Preferred: At least two years in development of databases and open  
source software.   Organization, coordination, development and  
delivery of courses and workshops appropriate for graduate-level  

Terms of Employment:

Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience.  As a  
full-time employee, the incumbent will receive Duke University’s  
benefits package (http://hr.duke.edu/benefits/main.html). The position  
is available immediately and will remain open until filled.  The  
position is currently funded through November 2014, contingent on  
annual renewal of the Center by the NSF.

How to Apply:

Please send a C.V., including contact information for three  
references, and a brief statement of interest to Allen Rodrigo,  
Director, NESCent, at a.rodrigo at nescent.org. Inquiries about  
suitability for the position are welcome.  Duke University is an Equal  
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  Additional information about  
NESCent: http://www.nescent.org


Sidlauskas B, Ganapathy G, Hazkani-Covo E, Jenkins KP, Lapp H, McCall  
LW, Price S, Scherle R, Spaeth PA, Kidd DM (2009) Linking Big: The  
Continuing Promise of Evolutionary Synthesis. Evolution.

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