[Biopython] installing biopython1.53 failed

xuxiang086 xuxiang086 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 08:03:47 UTC 2010

dear all,

I was trying to install biopython1.53 source on my computer whose OS is Ubuntu according to the installation instructions on biopython wiki, and when I input "python setup.py test" I got failure messages as follows:

FAIL: seqmatchall with pair output piped to stdout.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_Emboss.py", line 661, in test_seqtmatchall_piped
    self.assertEqual(align.get_alignment_length(), 9)
AssertionError: 471 != 9
Ran 140 tests in 102.013 seconds
FAILED (failures = 1)

Could you help me to figure out what's the problem? Thanks.


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