[Biopython] affy CEL and CDF reader

Brad Chapman chapmanb at 50mail.com
Fri Apr 9 20:21:32 UTC 2010

Thanks for the work on the Affy Cel/CDF parsers. I don't know
anything at all about the formats so can't help much with the
technical questions, but wanted to help with a few more general 
points you raise.

> > I ended up writing my own modules for reading both affy Cel and CDF files.

This and the following discussion are a bit hard to follow. When I
read through this thread I wasn't sure exactly what improvements
you've made, how they affect back compatibility of the code, and how
they help make the parser better going forward.

A lot of this work is very specialized, so you are trying to catch the
attention of the few people who know enough to help. If you can organize
your code and e-mail in a way that makes it easy for them to comment
and contribute, you'll increase the number of valuable responses you

It's an under appreciated skill, but very valuable for grabbing busy
people's attention and getting feedback.

> > Are improvements to the CelFile.py are of value to biopython?


> Is there any need for improvements to the ability to read CEL files or CDF
> files and if so what are they? I am interested in  contributing.

Yes. Make it faster, more complete, easier to use.

There are general answers you can apply across the board. We definitely
are looking for contributions and happy to have you interested.


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