[Biopython] get back raw records with SeqIO?

Cedar McKay cmckay at u.washington.edu
Wed Sep 30 23:14:15 UTC 2009

> I hoped you would be - our mailing list discussion earlier in the year
> basically triggered including this in Biopython:
> http://lists.open-bio.org/pipermail/biopython/2009-June/005281.html
> Were you able to update your script using the precursor index code
> to use the new Bio.SeqIO.index function? It should have been a drop
> in replacement ;)

My head isn't at that code at the moment, but I'll try to give it a  
whirl next week.

> Why do you want to do this? I'd like to understand the desired usage.
I didn't have a specific technical reason. It just seemed like  
everything was going towards using SeqIO and things like Bio.Fasta  
were being deprecated, so I wanted to get ahead of the curve there.  
But if Bio.Genbank is going to be around for a long time, I don't have  
any problem with doing it that way.

Thanks again.


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