[Biopython] Superpose structures...

Yasser Almeida Hernández pedro.al at fenhi.uh.cu
Thu Dec 24 16:37:12 EST 2009

I know i made that question already but this time is a quite  
different. I already superpose the structures (Profit isn't so  
suitable for my project), but now i want to compute the RMSD betweeen  
2 residues in the superposed position. When i do that, the RMSD that i  
get is the same that if i superpose the structures according to that  
residue, and what i really want is the "deviation of 2 residues when  
its structures are superposed according to its binding sites  
residues", and i want to know how to do that in Biopython...


Lic. Yasser Almeida Hernández
Center of Molecular Inmunology (CIM)
Nanobiology Group
P.O.Box 16040, Havana, Cuba
Phone: (537) 271-7933, ext. 221

Correo FENHI

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