[BioPython] Biopython Citation

Michiel de Hoon mdehoon at c2b2.columbia.edu
Fri Feb 9 03:49:53 UTC 2007

Sebastian Bassi wrote:
> On 2/8/07, Julius Lucks <lucks at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> There is a nice article covering the strengths and weaknesses of BioPython,
>> BioPerl and BioJava aimed at guiding a novice user:
> Yes, but BioPython grew a lot from 2002.
Currently, Biopython is undergoing some major improvements, for example 
with the Blast parser and especially with the new Bio.SeqIO. I expect 
that Biopython in two or three months will be a lot more transparent and 
user-friendly than it is now. It may be worthwhile to postpone 
submitting a Biopython paper until these improvements have made it into 
a Biopython release.

Don't let that stop you from starting to write a paper, though :-).


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