[BioPython] GO term annotation from fasta?

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Fri Dec 22 01:38:21 UTC 2006

Alan Wardroper wrote:
> I have a large db of est clones and associated assemblies I'd like to 
> (roughly) annotate using GO terms to let the wetlab people concentrate 
> on potentially interesting clones. Looking for some advice on where to 
> start to do this with biopython. My feeling is something like generate 
> fasta files from my mysql db, blast the sequences against genbank, parse 
> out the top hit, and use those IDs to grab GO terms, but I'm not sure 
> how best to proceed. Is there a better way to do this in biopython?  I 
> can't see any way to do blastx or tblastx from bp, with qblast only 
> supporting blastn and blastp.
> Thanks for any pointers.
In what species are you working?


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