[BioPython] Patches to enable Doc building for source and rpm distributions

Bill Barnard bill at barnard-engineering.com
Tue Sep 27 17:48:58 EDT 2005

I've completed an update of all the Makefiles in the Doc tree. The .tex
file patch previously discussed is attached so this email will have the
complete set of updates, but has not changed.

The Makefiles have all got some common functionality which has been
placed in a new file, common.mk, that lives at the Doc level in the
tree. Subsidiary Makefiles are very simple; they define their sets of
source files, the relative position of the Doc root, and include the
common.mk file.

Feel free to use any portion of these that seem useful. All three of
these files could be applied to the CVS tree as it is now.


Bill Barnard <bill at barnard-engineering.com>
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: biopython-Doc_Makefile_fix.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 8082 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://portal.open-bio.org/pipermail/biopython/attachments/20050927/c6aca0b4/biopython-Doc_Makefile_fix-0001.bin
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# Define your sources, e.g. sources :=  biopython_test.tex
# then define docroot relative to your directory, e.g. docroot := ../..
# then include this file, e.g. include $(docroot)/common.mk

# output from pdflatex
pdfs = $(subst .tex,.pdf,$(sources))
auxs = $(subst .tex,.aux,$(sources))
logs = $(subst .tex,.log,$(sources))
outs = $(subst .tex,.out,$(sources))
tocs = $(subst .tex,.toc,$(sources))
# output from hevea
htmls = $(subst .tex,.html,$(sources))
hauxs = $(subst .tex,.haux,$(sources))
htocs = $(subst .tex,.htoc,$(sources))
txts  = $(subst .tex,.txt,$(sources))
#output from hacha
gifs := *_motif.gif

all:  html pdf txt clean
pdf:  $(pdfs)
html: $(htmls)
txt:  $(txts)

$(pdfs): %.pdf: %.tex
	export TEXINPUTS=:$(docroot) && pdflatex $<
	export TEXINPUTS=:$(docroot) && pdflatex $<
	export TEXINPUTS=:$(docroot) && pdflatex $<

$(htmls): %.html: %.tex $(patch_target)
	hevea -fix $<
	hevea -fix $<
	hacha -o $(basename $@)-index.html $@
	ln -s $@ $(basename $@)-one_page.html

$(txts): %.txt: %.tex
	hevea -fix -text -o $(basename $@).txt $<

.PHONY: clean
	rm -f $(auxs) $(logs) $(outs) $(tocs) $(hauxs) $(htocs)

.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
	rm -f $(pdfs) $(htmls) $(txts) *.html $(gifs) $(patch_target) *.rej
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Name: biopdb_faq.tex.hevea-html-fix.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 1126 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://portal.open-bio.org/pipermail/biopython/attachments/20050927/c6aca0b4/biopdb_faq.tex.hevea-html-fix-0001.bin

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