Numeric + Lapack/Blas/ATLAS [Re: [BioPython] Installation help]

Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon mdehoon at
Thu Jan 6 14:28:54 EST 2005

Catherine Letondal wrote:
 > So, could someone help? Has someone succedeed in the installation of
 > Numeric/Lapack/Atlas/Blas on MacOSX 10.3?  (The python version that is
 > used for the course is 2.3. )

Mac OS X comes with a preinstalled Lapack and Blas, so there is no need 
for Atlas. I am on travel this week and I can't check on my Mac right 
now, but what I remember is that I just needed to replace the 
libraries_list in Numeric's by ['LAPACK','BLAS'] (my apologies 
if my memory is not correct here).

> Another question/request is: would it be possible to use biopython 
> without Numeric?

Yes, but some packages will not work without it. For example, 
Bio.Cluster. You can have a look at biopython's to find out 
which other packages rely on Numeric.


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