[BioPython] ClustalwAlignment Object

Martina boehme at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de
Fri Dec 17 05:16:58 EST 2004


When aligning 2 sequences with clustalw you get a ClustalAlignment 
Object. Because I'm aligning a long one with a shorter sequence, I'm 
only interested in the matching region. Are there any methods to get 
the postion of the first and last match and then do something like: 
ClustalAlignment.get_part_of_alignment(start_postion, end_postion)?
Of course I could parse the *.aln files, but is there a simpler 
solution? I'm aware of AlignInfo - but that seems to be only more 
sophisticated stuff.
I'm new to Python, so I might miss some basics here.


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