[BioPython] PDBParser & Structure class

Thomas Hamelryck thamelry@vub.ac.be
Thu, 16 May 2002 14:04:19 +0200


A couple of weeks ago I promised to send in a PDBParser annex
Structure class to deal with macromolecular structure (ie. PDB) files.
I finished this today, and would appreciate some feedback :-). 

The macromolecular structure data is represented in a Structure/Model/
Chain/Residue/Atom hierarchy. The data structure handles disorder well
(disordered atoms, but also complete disordered residues in the case
of point mutants), and can deal with NMR structures that contain multiple
models. It also does some validation (ie. do the residue names make sense?).

There is a small description available in PDF, PS and HTML format.

You can download the package from:


Friendly regards,

Thomas Hamelryck      Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Intitute for Molecular Biology            ULTR Department
Paardenstraat 65    1640 Sint-Gensius-Rode, Belgium