[BioPython] "Biopunk"
Andrew Dalke
Andrew Dalke" <dalke@dalkescientific.com
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 21:29:51 -0600
Humourous term from the San Francisco Bay Guardian - "biopunk."
> Biopunks are the visionaries and biotech wizards whose imaginations
> were set on fire by the knowledge that scientists had finally sequenced
> the human genome last year. Biopunks get off on creative genetic
> engineering, RNA research, cloning, and protein synthesis. Biopunks
> hack genomic data, lining up human genomes next to mouse genomes to
> find out what the two species have in common and what they don't
> (surprise: they have way more in common than you could possibly ever
> imagine)
So should we spike and dye our hair, and wear studded leather for
the next BOSC conference? :)
But I've never heard of any of the people mentioned as biopunks...
oh, except for the "transgenic bunny." Never figured out why that
was famous - but then, I remember in the 80s when luciferase was
added to a tobacco plant - it's sooo 20th century.