[BioPython] OT: How to obtain accession numbers

Johannes Hüsing johannes.huesing@uni-essen.de
Wed, 4 Apr 2001 11:13:12 +0200

Dear colleagues,

pardon me if this question is unrelated to Python, yet I happen
to be on this list and have to admit I am too lazy to find a
place more appropriate. This seems like a newbie question
to me so there is hope on my side someone might be willing to
answer it.

I must obtain all accession numbers for genes that are located
on a certain DNA-Chip and link them to their location on their
respective chromosome. Is there a table that lists all human 
genes on a certain chromosome with their location (in bp) and 
all accession numbers associated with them? Right now I am 
looking at the list in 
from which the accession numbers are linked but not in the 
same table. Spidering these links is a bit awkward because of
frequent server errors. 

How do you tackle these questions? 

