[BioPython] script for clustal alignment format

Iddo Friedberg idoerg@cc.huji.ac.il
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 18:04:31 +0200 (GMT+0200)

Hi Scott,

The CVS version of biopython has a module Clustalw. which uses Andrew's

I just wanted to play with it today, but got a bit stuck because Martel
needs TextTools, and there is something wrong with the server which
provides it. So I cannot really say how stable the Clustalw module 
is. (But Andrew can! :)


for the latest in biopython

For Martel


for TextTools (seems to be down for now).

: In that same vein, I was hoping that
: someone could point me to a python script that changed clustal W alignment
: formats to some other type of file format such as Fasta. I could probably
: write my own, but I thought if one was available... Maybe all this is
: included in Biopython? If so, I'll work on getting that running.

: Also I wanted to ask if you all are looking for more python code for
: biopython? I have a whole bunch of scripts I use for various tasks that
: might be of interest. What kinds of things are you looking for?

Anything, I think :)))



/* --- */main(c){float t,x,y,b=-2,a=b;for(;b-=a>2?.1/(a=-2):0,b<2;
/*  |  */putchar(30+c),a+=.0503) for(x=y=c=0;++c<90&x*x+y*y<4;y=2*
/*  |  */x*y+b,x=t)t=x*x-y*y+a;}
/* --- ddo Friedberg */