[BioPython] codons and complements

Iddo Friedberg idoerg@cc.huji.ac.il
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:18:18 +0200 (GMT+0200)

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 Thomas.Sicheritz@molbio.uu.se wrote:

: Iddo wrote:
:  > Once you have a sequence with a '*' in it, it really stops having any
:  > biological meaning.
: I don't think so - there exists biological meaningful sequencescontaining stop
: codons. e.g. Peptide Chain Release Factor 2 RF2_ECOLI contains a stop codon
: which is part of regulation.

Yes, I stand corrected. Actually, the I contradict myself on that point
in my last posting.

Does the IUPAC alphabet take care of stop codons seperately? We need to
differentiate between an unknown/irregular aa in the sequence, and a stop
sign, which, as you pointed out, should be signified & user-treatable.



/* --- */main(c){float t,x,y,b=-2,a=b;for(;b-=a>2?.1/(a=-2):0,b<2;
/*  |  */putchar(30+c),a+=.0503) for(x=y=c=0;++c<90&x*x+y*y<4;y=2*
/*  |  */x*y+b,x=t)t=x*x-y*y+a;}
/* --- ddo Friedberg */