[Biopython-dev] Biopython GSoC 2013 applications via NESCent

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 24 15:19:48 EDT 2013

To all the Biopythoneers,

For the last few years Biopython has participated in the
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program under the umbrella
of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF):

Unfortunately like quite a few previously accepted organisations,
this year the OBF not accepted. Google has kept the total about
the same year on year, so this is probably simply a slot rotation
to get some new organisations involved.

The good news (for those not following the Biopython-dev
mailing list) is we have an alternative option agreed with
the good people at NESCent, as we did back in 2009:


I'd like to thank Eric for co-ordinating this, and encourage
any interested potential students to sign up to the Biopython
development list and NESCent's Google+ group as soon as
possible (if you haven't done so already):


Google are already accepting student applications, and the
deadline is Friday 3 May.  That doesn't leave very long for
asking feedback and talking to potential mentors - which
is essential for a competitive proposal.

Thank you for your interest,


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