[Biopython-dev] Proposal of a patch for FastaIO

Roberto Mosca roberto.mosca at irbbarcelona.org
Thu Jun 21 02:30:32 EDT 2012

Dear Biopython developers,

I am new to this mailing list but I would like to propose a patch for
the parser of the fasta-m10 alignment format and I do not really know
how to do it...

The fact is that from a python script I need to access the details
(start and stop residues) of the alignment in every sequence and also
the E-value (sw_expect) which are saved in private variables (_al_start,
_al_stop and _annotations["sw_expect"]) but are not accessible from the
public interface of the SeqRecord and Alignment classes.

For this reason I had to modify the Bio/AlignIO/FastaIO.py file of my
local copy of BioPython.

Since I feel that other people could also benefit from these changes, I
would like to propose to include them in the standard distribution, but
I do not know what is the right procedure to follow. Could you help me?

I attach the patch file to FastaIO.py.

The code introduces two keys in the public "annotations" member of
SeqRecord ("start" and "end") and one key ("sw_expect") in the public
"annotations" member of Alignment.

Can someone give me any feedback on this?

I also have a github account (rmosca)...

Thank you in advance and thanks for this wonderful library that is


Roberto Mosca, Ph.D.

Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)
Parc Científic de Barcelona
C/ Baldiri Reixac 10
08028 Barcelona - Spain

Email: roberto.mosca at irbbarcelona.org
Tel:   +34 93 40 39689
Web:   http://sbnb.irbbarcelona.org/people/roberto_mosca

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