[Biopython-dev] [Biopython - Feature #3336] (New) Make Phylo.draw more customizable

redmine at redmine.open-bio.org redmine at redmine.open-bio.org
Sun Apr 1 21:40:27 EDT 2012

Issue #3336 has been reported by Eric Talevich.

Feature #3336: Make Phylo.draw more customizable

Author: Eric Talevich
Status: New
Priority: Normal
Target version: 

On and off the mailing lists, I've received requests to make the plots rendered by Phylo.draw more customizable. For example:

Since Phylo.draw is based on matplotlib/pyplot, it should be possible for essentially everything about the plot to be customizable by the user using pyplot's standard mechanisms -- e.g. adjust the font sizes with rcParams["font.size"].

Other requested features:

* Accept **kwargs in Phylo.draw, and pass it along to pyplot -- but where?
* Format the confidence/support values differently (currently everything is treated as a float), including or perhaps with the addition of arbitrary branch labels (e.g. estimated number of mutations on a branch)
* Return a mapping of clade objects to a tuple or dict of pyplot elements (LineCollection, PatchCollection, etc.)

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