[Biopython-dev] Bio.Restriction "super" call (Python vs PyPy?)

Brad Chapman chapmanb at 50mail.com
Thu Nov 24 15:33:57 UTC 2011


> Aside from a problem with leaking handles, 

Is this from tempfile.mkstemp? This has tricked me an annoying number of
times, so I eventually wrote a wrapper. The trick is doing an os.close
on the file descriptor:


> the remaining problem
> with Biopython's test suite under PyPy is in Bio.Restriction,
> specifically this line in the RestrictionType class __init__ method,
> super(RestrictionType, cls).__init__(cls, name, bases, dct)

That seems strange: the __init__ is calling super on itself. You'd
normally expect this from a derived class. I'm not sure why this doesn't
trigger an infinite recursion initializing the object. I'm +1 on
commenting it out.


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