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// Writing out a list of strings to a file
// May 17, 2011 at 3:14 PM

I have a list of abbreviations  

Letters = ['Ala', 'Asx', 'Cys', ... 'Glx']

I want to output this to a text file that will look this like:

Ala, Asx, Cys, ..... Glx

Noob programmer here! I always forget the simplest things! ah

please help and thanks!

import Bio
from Bio import Seq
from Bio.Seq import Alphabet

output = 'alphabetSoupOutput.txt'
fh = open(output, 'w')
ThreeLetterProtein = '#Three Letter Protein'
Letters = Bio.Alphabet.ThreeLetterProtein.letters
fh.write(ThreeLetterProtein + '\n')

  #Don't know what goes here


// BioPython Alphabet Soup
// May 17, 2011 at 2:28 AM

Biopython noob here, I'm trying to create a program that uses the Biopython package Alphabet and alphabet module IUPAC to write out the letters of the classes listed to a file called alphabetSoupOuput.txt.


Each group of letters should be written to its single line in the output file and the letters should be separated by commas. The line before each group of letters should contain a label that describes the letters and has a # in the first position of that line, e.g.

Three Letter Protein

Ala, Asx, Cys, ..., Glx

Protein Letters
A, C, D, E, ..., Y

How can I do this?

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