[Biopython-dev] Python 3 status (ignoring our C code and most dependencies)

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Sep 9 17:08:45 UTC 2010

Hi Bartek, Eric, et al,

I've rerun the test suite on the trunk code, and we have the
following issues, most of which I'd already noted in this thread:

Bartek - I was seeing a couple of issues with Bio.Motif which came
down to relative import issues, this seems to have fixed things.
Could you confirm this change looks OK to you?

Eric - Can you reproduce this test_Phylo.py failure on your machine?
And is there any chance you'll be able to look at the Bio.PDB issue
with DisorderedResidue?




test_LocationParser ... Syntax error at or near `467' token

Something in the spark parser isn't handled by 2to3, not urgent as I want
to deprecate Bio.GenBank.LocationParser which is the only thing using spark.


test_PDB ... FAIL

TypeError: 'DisorderedResidue' object is not subscriptable



test_Phylo ... FAIL

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_Phylo.py", line 47, in test_convert
    Phylo.convert(self.mem_file, 'nexus', mem_file_2, 'phyloxml')
  File "/home/xxx/repositories/biopython/Bio/Phylo/_io.py", line 102, in convert
    return write(trees, out_file, out_format, **kwargs)
  File "/home/xxx/repositories/biopython/Bio/Phylo/_io.py", line 92, in write
    n = getattr(supported_formats[format], 'write')(trees, file, **kwargs)
  File "/home/xxx/repositories/biopython/Bio/Phylo/PhyloXMLIO.py",
line 148, in write
    return Writer(obj).write(file, encoding=encoding, indent=indent)
  File "/home/xxx/repositories/biopython/Bio/Phylo/PhyloXMLIO.py",
line 684, in write
    self._tree.write(file, encoding)
  File "/home/xxx/lib/python3.1/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 659, in write
    self._write(file, self._root, encoding, {})
  File "/home/xxx/lib/python3.1/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 677, in _write
    file.write(_encode("<" + tag, encoding))
TypeError: string argument expected, got 'bytes'


test_SeqIO_online ... FAIL

May need to turn all online byte handles into unicode handles,


test_property_manager ... FAIL

Looks like a formatting change of some kind, but I want to deprecate this:



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