[Biopython-dev] PDB-Tidy Project - Google Summer Project Proposed

Rodrigo Faccioli rodrigo_faccioli at uol.com.br
Wed Apr 7 08:50:21 EDT 2010


I'm a Ph.D student at University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. I've worked
with BioPython mainly its Bio.PDB module since last year.
I would like to participate at Google Summer Code through PDB-Tidy:
command-line tools for manipulating PDB files project.
In this way, I've talked with Eric Talevich who helped to write my project
proposed (link below).


In that document, I show more details what I've made with my Bio.PDB
extension and how I might to contribute for
PDB-Tidy project. But, in general lines, Prometheus is a web-site which
allows the studies about protein-protein complexes based on electrostatics
properties of proteins.

When access the Prometheus Web-site, please use the information below:
username: gsoc
password: g0sum&10

I'll try to register as student. Before, I appreciate any comments about my

Thanks in advance,

Rodrigo Antonio Faccioli
Ph.D Student in Electrical Engineering
University of Sao Paulo - USP
Engineering School of Sao Carlos - EESC
Department of Electrical Engineering - SEL
Intelligent System in Structure Bioinformatics
Phone: 55 (16) 3373-9366 Ext 229
Curriculum Lattes - http://lattes.cnpq.br/1025157978990218

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