[Biopython-dev] test_Cluster.py fails
biopython-dev at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Feb 26 16:49:44 EST 2007
Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon wrote:
> Peter wrote:
>> I just updated my Linux box running Python 2.4.3 to the CVS version of
>> BioPython (including building KDTree).
>> The bad news is that test_Cluster fails (full details below) with
>> cluster.error: kcluster: nclusters should be positive
> Does this happen to be a 64-bits Linux box? One user with a 64-bits
> machine had this problem before. I have a fix for it, but it's not in
> CVS yet.
Yes, this is a 64-bit Linux box. Is there a simple patch I could test?
>> Interesting some of these tests which pass under Linux fail under
>> Windows due to differences in floating point display. We might want to
>> fix that at some point...
> Are these errors also from test_Cluster?
No, other things like test_SVDSuperimposer (used by Bio.PDB) and some
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