[Biopython-dev] Moving from Numeric to NumPy

Bruce Southey bsouthey at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 09:10:25 EST 2007

I would be interested in trying to help out on this as my time
permits. Is there any plan of action?


On 2/3/07, Peter <biopython-dev at maubp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
> I've compiled a rough list of modules using Numeric with the aid of grep.
> As far as I can tell, we have two big lumps of code (Michiel's
> Bio.Cluster module and Thomas' Bio.PDB and SVDSuperimposer modules) plus
> a selection of miscellaneous bits.
> Thomas & Michiel - have you looked or made plans to moving your code?
> Also, do we have any active developers familiar with the following modules:
> Jeffrey Chang (no longer active?):
> NaiveBayes.py
> MaxEntropy.py
> Harry Zuzan (no longer active?):
> Affy/CelFile.py and Affy/celmodule.cc
> Unnamed authors:
> KDTree/KDTree.py (includes C++ code so tricky)
> LogisticRegression.py
> MarkovModel.py
> Statistics/lowess.py
> distance.py
> kNN.py
> Some of which could be converted "by hand" almost trivially (e.g.
> distance.py), but see also:
> http://www.scipy.org/Porting_to_NumPy
> Peter
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