[Biopython-dev] Reading sequences: FormatIO, SeqIO, etc

Leighton Pritchard lpritc at scri.sari.ac.uk
Wed Aug 2 11:23:27 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 11:45 +0100, Peter (BioPython Dev) wrote:
> GFF (General Feature Format)
> http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/customTrack.html#GFF
> http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/formats/GFF/GFF_Spec.shtml
> GFF and PTT aren't exactly what I would call sequence files, in that
> they don't contain any sequence data.  

Fair point, but GFF3 (see below) can optionally carry sequence data, and
I use them for exactly what you say here:

> those files could be turned into SeqRecords or SeqFeatures (with empty
> sequences).

I was thinking that GFF3 would be more useful than GFF:


NCBI have already gone over to this on bacterial genomes, at least,
ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/Nanoarchaeum_equitans/NC_005213.gff), and it's a much richer format than the original specification.  Andrew Dalke has already written a GFF3 parser/writer, which is available at


I've not used this in anger, yet...

> Its looks like there is enough overlap between the EMBL and Genbank to
> make sharing code between them a good idea.  Certainly EMBL was a file
> format I was thinking we should try to support.

In a scanner/consumer pattern it's easy enough.  I've not looked under
the hood of the new GenBank parser yet, to see what you've done.  Most
of my contact with EMBL format is with headerless feature tables and
Artemis, which aren't directly similar to GenBank entries. 

> Reading your other comments, it looks like you wouldn't miss FastaRecord
> or GenBank records if they were phased out.

Not personally, but others may have strong opinions and breakable code,

> Personally, I'm suggesting we try and standardise on having any Sequence
> IO framework standardize on returning SeqRecord objects.
> I think we should have a generic "Sequence Iterator" object to do this
> which takes a file handle, subclassed for each file format - giving a
> "Fasta Iterator", a "Genbank Iterator", a "Clustal Iterator" etc.

> I'm inclined not to give any choice of parser object (e.g.
> Bio.Fasta.SequenceParser vs Bio.Fasta.RecordParser), and always return a
> SeqRecord.

It may be a side-issue, but should a Clustal parser return an Alignment
object or iterate over SeqRecord objects?  And for that matter, what
about other MSA files in FASTA format?  I think we ought allow parsers
to return an Alignment where the user requests it, which is a
functionality I'm not currently aware of in the FASTA sequence parsers.

> The individual readers should offer some level of control, for example
> the title2ids function for Fasta files lets the user decide how the
> title line should be broken up into id/name/description.  Also for some
> file formats the user should be able to specify the alphabet.

Could the alphabet be optionally specified by the user on parsing, and
maybe return a warning or error if there are non-compliant symbols in
the file, as a quick validator for bad sequences, or reminder to the
occasionally forgetful that, for example, they're not working with
nucleotide sequences, today <cough, embarrassed glance at floor> ;)


Dr Leighton Pritchard AMRSC
D131, Plant-Pathogen Interactions, Scottish Crop Research Institute
Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland, DD2 5DA, UK
T: +44 (0)1382 562731 x2405 F: +44 (0)1382 568578
E: lpritc at scri.sari.ac.uk   W: http://bioinf.scri.sari.ac.uk/lp
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