No subject

Sat Mar 5 14:42:50 EST 2005

also be backcompatible with python 1.5.2 with PyXML installed (well, once
the 0.6.1 release comes out, that is), so I think I'll go ahead and check
in the necessary changes to the Clustalw stuff to make it work with 2.0b2

>  I haven't sat down with the new Python distro to see what's changed.
>  Again, that will wait until after I get this 0.3 release out.

Okay, sounds good. I think I'm starting to undestand what is going on
with PyXML and python2.0 XML (well, as much as it is possible to
understand :-), so I can let you know how the new stuff works.

[fasta parser]
>  So the "yes" part means, go ahead and write a parser for FASTA which
>  produces Biopython data structures.	However, it will likely change
>  for the future. 

Okay, I'll look at doing this, and then maybe this can tell us how nicely
Martel will play with the current parser setup.


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