[Biopython-dev] Getting ready for a release, II

Thomas Hamelryck thamelry at binf.ku.dk
Mon Feb 14 08:45:10 EST 2005

Here's the Bio.PDB change list:

Added atom serial number.
Epydoc style documentation.
Added secondary structure support (through DSSP)
Added Accessible Surface Area support (through DSSP)
Added Residue Depth support (through MSMS)
Added Half Sphere Exposure.
Added Fragment classification of the protein backbone (see Kolodny et al., 
JMB, 2002)
Corrected problem on Windows with PDBList (thanks to Matta Dimmic)
Added StructureAlignment module to superimpose structures based on a FASTA 
sequence alignment.
Various additions to Polypeptide.
Various bug corrections in Vector.
Lots of smaller bug corrections and additional features.


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