[Biopython-dev] ipi parser

Pierre Monestie pierre.monestie at lbri.lionbioscience.com
Tue May 18 16:12:50 EDT 2004

I'm trying to use the Swissprot parser to parse IPI. I read that the parser
should have been fixed for IPI however I get an error on date when I try to
parse ipi.HUMAN
I get:
 File "dbupdate/src/python/make_sptofasta.py", line 172, in ?
  File "dbupdate/src/python/make_sptofasta.py", line 46, in parseandoutput
    record = it.next()
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
166, in next
    return self._parser.parse(File.StringHandle(data))
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
290, in parse
    self._scanner.feed(handle, self._consumer)
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
333, in feed
    self._scan_record(uhandle, consumer)
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
338, in _scan_record
    fn(self, uhandle, consumer)
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
379, in _scan_dt
    self._scan_line('DT', uhandle, consumer.date, exactly_one=1)
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
360, in _scan_line
    read_and_call(uhandle, event_fn, start=line_type)
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/ParserSupport.py", line
301, in read_and_call
  File "/lbri/gen/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Bio/SwissProt/SProt.py", line
537, in date
    self.data.created = cols[1], int(self._chomp(cols[3]))
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): Human

Thanks in advance for your help
Pierre Monestie

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