[Biopython-dev] embedded web links

Cayte katel at worldpath.net
Fri Jun 14 17:15:17 EDT 2002

  I've noticed that a lot of NCBI files have lists of embedded links.  I was
thinking of a new class, NetHaul.
NetHaul would store a list of embedded absolute urls along with their
labels.  It would prove get_urls_by_label,
get_urls_by_index and get_urls_by_range.  Each of these would fetch web
pages and append them to a file.
get_urls_by_label would accept a list of labels. get_urls_by_index would
accept a list of indexes. get_urls_by_
range would accept a lower and upper value.

   Joe looks up a protein domain.  The page contains links to Genbank
entries for proteins for various species.
Joe is only interested in puffer fish.  He scans the list of urls and
creates a filter for labels that contain the word puffer.  Then he passes
the filtered list to NetHaul.get_urls_by_label.


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