[Bioperl-l] Important! Redmine issue migration

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at drycafe.net
Fri Sep 25 12:03:50 UTC 2015

That's fantastic Chris! Long awaited that someone take this on. I agree that tagging the original submitters suffices. Though perhaps that's what you're arguing _not_ to do?

I do think it's a reasonable assumption that someone who submits an issue by default wants to stay in the loop about its resolution. Tagging the submitter's GitHub account would accomplish that.


Sent from away

> On Sep 24, 2015, at 11:39 PM, Fields, Christopher J <cjfields at illinois.edu> wrote:
> I (finally!) have a set of tools working to migrate Bioperl issues from the old bug report system (https://redmine.open-bio.org) to Github Issues.  You can see a test run of this here:
> https://github.com/cjfields/redmine-test/issues
> Note this points back to the original Redmine repo.  We’ll keep that operational since it has attachments present for some tickets, but for any future work the link will become read-only (and may go away in the future as we phase out the Redmine repo).
> As for the migrated issues, we’ll likely keep this as a separate (empty) repository for the time being (I will change the ownership to 'bioperl' once it looks fine).  This is primarily to ensure we don’t clutter or munge up the main bioperl-live repo Issues already in place, since we can’t delete Github issues once they are created.  I will be adding a placeholder ticket pointing to them within the bioperl-live ticket system for the time being.  
> The important part: once the test run is finished, we could implement the user map; however, old bioperl users/contributors may see a flood of Github emails if you submitted or replied to any ticket in the past.  We do not have to implement this functionality, in fact I’m reluctant to spam past contributors unless we see an overwhelming need to do so (particularly since we can simply add their Github user ID to a comment if needed).  So my official position is that we won’t map Github users to tickets, except manually via comments and only when necessary.  Welcome to any dissenting opinions.
> Thanks!
> chris
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