[Bioperl-l] Error when running Build.PL

Leon Timmermans l.m.timmermans at students.uu.nl
Fri Mar 1 16:49:58 EST 2013

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Phil Dagosto <PDagosto at edgebio.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I downloaded BioPerl 1.6.1 from this location: http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Getting_BioPerl
> When I ran Build.PL with all of the default settings chosen in the interactive mode I got the following error message:
> Could not get valid metadata. Error is: Invalid metadata structure. Errors: 'Perl_5' for 'license' does not have a URL scheme (resources -> license) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::FeatureIO::gff -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::WebAgent -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::EUtilParameters -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::OntologyIO::InterProParser -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::strider -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::PhyloNetw!
>  ork::RandomFactory -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tools::Analysis::DNA::ESEfinder -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::game::gameSubs -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::FeatureIO::interpro -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::berkeleydb -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::entrezgene -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::tinyseq -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::chadoxml -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (opt!
>  ional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::game::gameWriter -> requires) [Validatio
> n: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::FileCache -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tools::Primer3 -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::ace -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::PopGen::HtSNP -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tree::Compatible -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::Ace -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::Taxonomy::entrez -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a ma!
>  p structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::agave -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::PopGen::TagHaplotype -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::FeatureFileLoader -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::* -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein* -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SearchIO::blastxml -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tools::EUtilities -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tree::Draw::Cladogram -> requires) [Validation: 1!
>  .2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features
> -> Bio::Tools::SeqPattern -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::tigrxml -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqFeature::Collection -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Draw::Pictogram -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SearchIO::Writer::BSMLResultWriter -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::TreeIO::svggraph -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::Biblio::eutils -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (opti!
>  onal_features -> Bio::PhyloNetwork -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tools::SeqPattern::BackTranslate -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::Query::GenBank -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Variation::IO::xml -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::NCBIHelper -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::HIV -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (!
>  optional_features -> Bio::Tools::Analysis::DNA* -> requires) [Validati
> on: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::SeqIO::excel -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::ClusterIO::dbsnp -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::Microarray::Tools::ReseqChip -> requires) [Validation: 1.2], Expected a map structure from string or file. (optional_features -> Bio::DB::Biblio::soap -> requires) [Validation: 1.2]
> at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Module/Build/Base.pm line 4559
> Could not create MYMETA files
> Creating new 'Build' script for 'BioPerl' version '1.006001'

What versions of Module::Build and CPAN::Meta are you using?

> I have no idea whether this is a problem or not or if I can proceed. Also, I'm confused by the version number referenced in the last line. 1.006001 is our current version - I thought I was installing version 1.6.1. Are these version numbers equivalent, i.e., are the zeros not meaningful?.

Yeah, 1.6.1 equals 1.006001. See also
Do note that it is no longer the lastest release, latest is 1.6.901
and a new release is expected on a short notice.


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