[Bioperl-l] Some trouble getting started

Chris Maloney voldrani at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 07:44:11 EDT 2013

[Resending this -- helps to be subscribed to the list.]

Hi, I'm very new to bioperl.  Here are some problems I've encountered
in the last couple of days:

* The wiki doesn't allow new users to log in:
  https://redmine.open-bio.org/issues/3424:  neither the OBF wiki nor
  the bioperl wiki.  Presumably this has something to do with the
  migration to AWS
  (http://news.open-bio.org/news/2012/11/server-transition-to-aws/) in
  November last year.  If so, that's five months -- a long time!  That
  ticket itself has been open for more than a month.
  I would like to fix it, but I don't know whom to contact, and ...

* The OBF blog I just linked to requires you to log in to leave a
  comment.  But there's no way that I can discern to create a new
  account.  I'd think this should be changed to allow anyone to
  leave a comment, with a CATPCHA.  I haven't run a wordpress
  blog before, but I'd guess this would be enough to keep out
  the spam.

* The redmine bug tracker installation has an expired security
  certificate.  I guess most people are probably aware of this.

I don't *want* to complain, but it seems to me these are pretty
important issues in terms of community building.  If people are
too busy, let me take a look, I will gladly try my best to fix these

Peter Cock or genehack could vouch for me, I think.  (At least,
insofar as that I wouldn't do anything malicious.)

Chris Maloney

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