[Bioperl-l] Convert BioPerl-DB to DBIx::Class

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at drycafe.net
Thu Apr 11 19:48:05 EDT 2013

Hi Denis,

The OBF has not been accepted into GSoC this year, and thus BioPerl isn't participating in an official capacity either. That doesn't mean you can't undertake this project, it just would have to be outside of GSoC and on a voluntary basis.

I'm copying the BioPerl list, so others from our community can chime in.


On Apr 11, 2013, at 4:40 PM, denisboyun wrote:

> Hi, Hilmar. My name is Denis. I know the bioperl is involving in GSOC 2013. As for me, application " Convert BioPerl-DB to DBIx::Class" is interesting. Here is some plan as I see it all.
> 1.First of all, I generates schemas from db tables(dbicdump toolkit). 
> 2.Second step, I rewrites all part of db-repository with DBIx::Class object(etc DBIx::Exception). 
> 3.After that, I merges this code with bioperl-live.
> Schema db that https://github.com/denisboyun/bioperl-db2.git
> Please, to share your opinions. What do think about this? What are the most difficult memonts that to pay attention?
> Thanks:)

: Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at drycafe dot net :

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